Project Topics – Computer Science and Engineering

1. Design and implementation of a computerized employment application short-listing system

2. Design and Simulation of an Electronic Fund Transfer System

3. Design and Implementation of On-Line Goods Procurement System

4. Design and Implementation of a computerized SIWES Information System

5. Computerized career tracking information system for recruitment agency

6. Design and implementation of a computerized vehicle information system for motor parks

7. Design and implementation of a remote access hotel reservation system

8. Computerized Asset management information system

9. Design and Implementation of a computerized tourism booking system

10. Design and implementation of an on-line flight reservation system

11. Design and implementation of a computerized health care system

12. Computerized Pilgrimage Information System

13. Design and implementation of a computerized business registration information system

14. Computerized personnel  management information system

15. Design and implementation of a   computer based NYSC information system

16. Design and implementation of an   electronic voters registration system

17. Computerized accounting system

18. Computerized Payroll system

19. AUTO Banking System

20. Computerized Land registration   system

21. Design and implementation of   hospital fixed asset management system

22. Design and implementation of   hospital information system

23. Hotel Management Information  System

24. Computerized Guest Information  Tracking System
25. Design and implementation of a  computerized school admission system

26. Computerized Mercedes Benz   workshop

27. Case Based Reasoning system for  estimating housing prices

28. Design and implementation of a   computer aided learning system

29. Design and implementation of an  Electronic Voting System

30. Design and implementation of  court processing information system

31. Design and implementation of an  Online Clearance system

32. Design and implementation of poultry management information system.

33. Design and simulation of an expert system for treatment and diagnosis of diseases.

34. Design and implementation of a  school portal.

35. Computerized result processing  system

36. Integrated solution for microfinance institutions
37. Design and implementation of  internet security package for a cyber café

38. Computerised crime tracking  information system

39. Computerized birth control  information system (case study of national population commission)

40. Online fast food delivery  system

41. Online vehicle sales and  advertising
42. Design and implementation of alien information tracking system (case study of immigration office)

43. Design and implementation of  a computerized account auditing system

44. Design and implementation of  a computerized stock control system

45. Real time charting and email system

46. computerized water billing   system (case study of water board )

47. Design and implementation of  fraud control system in a super market
48. Computerized tax assessment  system (case study of tax office )

49. on-line student registration system

50. Design and implementation of a Hospital billing information  system

51. Computerised motor licensing  information system

52. Computerized drug inventory   system

53. Computerized hostel allocation system

54. Computerized School assessment system (case study of primary school)
55. Computerised Human Resources Management

56. Design and implementation of a virtual library for universities

57. Design and implementation of exchange rate computation system

58. Design and implementation of a geographical information system
59. Design and implementation of a personnel management information system

60. Design and implementation of decision support system for university

61. Design and implementation of a re-engineered education management information system

62. Computerised numerical computation system using linear equation

63. Automated differential equation solver using Newton’s method

65. Software tutor for elementary mathematics

66. Design and Implementation of Computerized Cargo Information System (Case study of DHL )
67. Design and Implementation of a Software Package for Legal Practitioner

68. Design and Implementation of Defense Information System

69. Design and Implementation of automated library management system

70. Design and Implementation of a computerized export duty processing system

71. Design and Implementation of Admission Procedure

72. Design and Implementation of Real Time Operating System (RTOS) Based Control and Safety Monitoring System
73. Design and implementation of the course web page generator

74. Design And Implementation Of Library Management

75. Development Of Application For The Data Entry Of The Shipment
76. Design And Implementation Of Information Retrieval From Textual Corpus

77. Design And Implementation Of Online Counseling Software

78. Design And Implementation Of A Web Shop Mall Web Shop Site

79. Online Hotel Reservation System

80. Simulation of a software telecommunication handset

81. Online Academic Programme accreditation management software

82. Web based information management system services on a transport company

83. Football information management system
84. Online clearance system for graduating students

85. Online job search system

86. Design and Simulation of a Multi-User Resource Allocation System

87. Design and Implementation of a computerized student transcript generating system

88. Design and Implementation of a computerized data encryption system

89. Design and Implementation of an online membership registration and payment system>

90. Design and Implementation of a web based product registration system

91. Design and Implementation of an expert system for diagnosis of diseases

92. Design and Implementation of a computerized contact management information system

93. Online Portfolio Manager – Equity Trading And Mutual Funds Management

94. Secured Electronic Mailing System Using Cryptographic Algorithm

95. Development of a relative humidity and temperature monitoring system for concrete walls

96. Design And Implementation Of Electronic Voters Registration System

97. Development of a Practical Patient Billing Software

98. Automated Land Registration Information System

99. Computer Forensic Expert System

100. Access Control in A University System

101. Design and Implementation of Timetable Generation System

102. Design and Implementation of an Energy Billing / Support System for the New Digital Meters Used by PHCN of Nigeria


Programming Languages used for the implementation of the software includes:

Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Web Developer   (.NET)
PHP – MySql

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103. Design and Implementation of Engineering Analysis Software System

104. Design and Implementation of Printer Trouble Shooter Software System

105. Study Of Linux Operating System Development Of Useful System Programs

106. Simulation of a Feed Forward Neural Network System

107. Intelligent career tracking information system for recruitment agency

108. Intelligent vehicle information system for motor parks

109. Intelligent hotel reservation system

110. Dynamic Programming Model For Optimal Investment Strategy (Msc)

111. Intelligent Based Credit Card Fraud Detection System Using Hidden Morkov Model (Msc)

112. Design and implementation of graphical based virtual direction system (Msc)

113. Secured, Customized and integrated e-commerce platform for SMEs in Nigeria (Msc)

114. Intelligent Emergency Data Information System for Road Accident Victims (Msc)

115. E-Skill Information Acquisition Software

116. A Frame Work for M-Portal System

117. Design and implementation of Aerospace Information System (Msc)

118. Custom Workflow for the Automation of Simple Document Management Process (Msc)

119. Integrated Community Management Information System (Msc)

120. A Simulation of an Enhanced ATM Services

121. Intelligent and Secured Banking System

122. E -Land registration   and Verification system

123. Intelligent Mercedes Benz   workshop

124. Intelligetn Personal Data Identification  system Using Fingerprint

125. Internet security Software

126. Simulation of NCho Game
127. Simulation of WHAT game

128. Simulation of Scrabble Game

129. Simulation of Road Trafic Control System

130. Simulation of Fund Transfer System

131. Contact Information Encryption System

132. Intelligent Timetable Generator
133. Simulation of Phone Calls

134. Simulation of PHCN Billing Card

135. An Assessment Of Online Banking In Nigeria Banking System

136. Role of database management system in hospital administration system

137. The role of new technology in television news production

138.Automated Equation solver

139. Human Resources Management On Overall Performance Of A Firm

140. Design and Implementation of Motor Registration System

141. A Tutoring Delivery System for some Mathematical Models

142. Integrated Library Mgt System Using Barcode Reader (Msc)

143. Design and Implementation of an Expert System for the Diagnosis of Diabetes

144. Design and Implementation of a Computerised System for Methodological Test Analysis for Sickle Cell Disease

145. Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Registration System with Biometric Data Capture (Msc)

146. Domestic Flight Customer Information Management System

147. Enterprise Web Application Development Using Cloud Computing (Msc)

148. A Model for Real-Time Trust Management in Online Auction Systems

149. Development of an Interactive Mobile Learning System (msc)


Programming Languages used for the implementation of the software includes:

Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Web Developer   (.NET)
PHP – MySql

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150. An Intelligent Routing Algorithm for data network Using Path Vector Technique (Msc)

151. Improving Security Mechnism in Electronic Transfer System Using Rijndael Algorithm Approach (Msc)

152. Improving Voice Capacity and Data Response Time in Cognitive Radio Network   (Msc)

153. Improving Call Admission Control in 3G Network Using Hybrid Intelligent Network (Msc)

154. Modelling and Evaluation of Adaptive Antenna Array for a WCDMA Mobile Communication (Msc)

155. Modelling of Adaptive Filter Circuit for Acoustic Echo Noise Suppression in Public Address System (Msc)

156. Improving the Performance in 3G Wireless Network During Handover Using Rake Receiver (Msc)

157.Minimizing the Volume of Call Drop in a GSM Mobile Communication System Using Space Diversity (Msc)

158. Analysis and System Design for Systems with Multiple Hops, Users and Relays (Msc)

159. Reduction of Co-Channel Interference in Mobile Communication Using Frequency Hopping Technique (Msc)

160. Improving fault diagnosis and fault – tolerant control strategies for non-linear systems (Msc)

161. Reduction of Reverbration in broadcasting   (Msc )

162. Design and Implementation of an E-Platform for Biometric Vehicle Registration System (Msc)

163. Design and implementation of a  Network Based Security System

164. Improving Techniques for Reducing the problems of Optic Fibre Communication (Msc)

165. Model and Control of Disc Media Production    (Msc )

166. Automatic Break Control System using Artificial Neural Networks    (Msc)

167. Improving Cngestion Control for Packet Switched Data Network (Msc)

168. Reducing the Effect of rainfall on Radar Signal Using Frequency Hopping technique (Msc )

169. Design and implementation of   Software Assets Management Model (Msc)

170. Integrated National Databank for Emergency Health Information System with Biometric Technology (Phd)

171. Digital Forensics Criminal Tracking System (Phd)

172. Integrated Database for Social Security System using Biometric Identification (Phd)
173. Accident Information Management System (Msc)

174. Design and Implementation of Student Union Campaign blog

175. Model of Prenatal Healthcare System in Nigeria Using data mining Technique (Phd)

176. An Early Warning and Diagnostic Expert System for deadly Diseases (Phd)

177. Design and implementation of Biometric based Access Control for Exam Malpractice Detection (Msc)


Programming Languages used for the implementation of the software includes:

Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Web Developer   (.NET)
PHP – MySql

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